ordered tickets. As you well know, there was a strong campaign to have the Democratic

Party's institutional structure harness the incredible talent of the grassroots constituencies. Small, very small, progress was made on that front. To the credit of the Grassroots community, as you describe so well in your article, we marched to our own drummer, unencumbered by so many layers of nonesense. Frankly, all I heard was how much respect the Biden campaign staff had for " ground game activists" but that turned out to be a lot of words but no strong engagement. I am praying you are right about the outcome, and fully agree as to who deserves the credit.

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Great as always... As you point out, however, it is impossible to get accurate data from any campaign before election day and afterwards it is a crap shoot. There is really no third party verification for anything around campaign operations. So it really is up to the spin from Staffers and what they want you to believe. The only data that will matter will be votes and who wins and loses.

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Great work as always. LOTS of work ahead these next 10 days. A lot.

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Hmmmm... some real reporting (as usual with you!). Frankly I expected ur piece to be a tad darker but Im glad it isnt. It doesnt sound great for Harris this week but as you have said earlier and as many others have said, the more this about a referendum on Trump, the better. The media is turnign to his "character" and mental issue but it might be too little too late and who knows who watches what media and how much they actually pay attention, It was interesting to hear David Plouffe on a podcast last nite saying he thought AT THIS POINT targeted TV commercials make no sense and are a waste oif money. He was sounding more like u talking about REAL personal engagement. I have the most faith in Trumo--- that he still has 10 days let to be really crazy. But I make no more predictions. I predicted a fe weeks ago that Harris would win by a larger margin that people think. Not so sure today, BTW the most pessimistic friend we have is Dan B. who predicted today Trump would win the popular vote, I think that is imposibble. I also thought it was impossinle that millions would reject a life saving vaccine during a killer pandemic. So I am not exactly a clairvotynt

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