Your Code Pink link does amount to a sort of left-wing catalogue of deplorables. As an experienced left-winger, it's sad to see folks who should know better going this route over and over, driven mad by losing I think.

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Just a passing thought about Code Pink and its naive allies who are now claiming Anti-Chinese McCarthyism. I was only in diapers at the time but I believe McCarthyism was about smearing land red baiting ibs and progs as being communists. I dont think it was about accusing Communists about being Communists. BTW according to the last newsletter from Max Sawicky who is a critical member of DSA, he sez not only is not growing, but that it has lost about a third of its membership since it peaked.

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The death of email has been prematurely announced before this, and it's not dead yet. Yet. But it's at least in hospice care. It's always been possible to configure junk mail filters to keep the roar down, but no one except the most driven wants to put in the time to set up and maintained.

But coming to an app store near you soon will be AI-mail, with a button "Trash any emails like this one." Not only will the sender be penalty boxed, but email aliases will be caught as well as well as anything in the same style.

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As someone who was personally responsible for a couple of million emails a week hitting inboxes for years, I have definitely contributed to peak email! I still love it as a medium, for all its faults. I think ten years ago only a few groups were doing it well. Now every group does it with varying levels of skill. At best, the broad and deep engagement work together. Agreed you can’t beat people together in a room with a few jokes thrown in.

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