I really appreciate your content and appreciate the work you put into it, however I need to bring up my frustration with the continued Obama Trump democratic voter narrative that bends itself into a pretzel to try to explain why those who voted for a black president then turned to vote for a vocally racist one without looking at who they both ran against—a woman.

Why not include a discussion about the work we still need to do to address sexism right along side racism? I am the first to admit that Hilary Clinton may not have been the best female candidate, but she surely was a hell of a lot more qualified than Trump, and it is my understanding that white women led the demographic sectors in flipping from Obama to Trump demonstrating once again that sexism is not just simply a challenge between men and women, but between women and societal expectations. I would hope that democratic pundits would at least leave room for the idea that in addition to racist backlash, sexism might have played a role in electing Trump that is important to call out.

--Noelle, Cleveland, Ohio

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Completely fair point.

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