This is an excellent piece, but I don't think its last 2 sentences are warranted. It's just not so simple! I myself am still conflicted. Both are good men. One is more progressive, one is more moderate. And it's hard to forget that fire alarm stunt.

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Completely agree with you. Both candidates have made some key mistakes, but I will have no problem with voting for the primary winner in November.

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The great mass of left of center Democrats know nothing about the MidEast.

I don't think they can identify the Golan Heights on map, know what the British White Paper was (Issued in 1939, it restricted Jewish immigratoin to Palestine to 15K fo each of the succeeding 5 years -- when the need to escape Hitler peacked !!!) or know that 1.5 million Jews were thrown out of Arab lands when Israel was created

In this article, I argue that Israel is entitled to ROAR THROUGH RAFAH https://davidgottfried.substack.com/p/why-israel-is-entitled-to-roar-through

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So many words just to say you endorse ethnic cleansing. Disgusting.

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Appreciate this from afar.

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