lol. Why are so many Dems so obsessed with this event? I really don't get it. Overblown out of proportion. Dumb fuks that got infiltrated by the FBI and other activists who went overboard. Like that never happens!! I watched it on YT live, looked stupid. The reaction by the Dem is so irrationally obsessed, with so many stupid conspiracy theories. Now its about Legos haha. I think its going to take a loss of elections for the Dems to get past this silliness.

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Jerome, it's nice to see your name pop up after so many years, but I'm sad to see you dismissing the Jan 6 insurrection as some kind of FBI sting operation. Pipe bombs don't set themselves, do they? Anyway, I'm curious about your journey from co-founder of MyDD.com to where you are now. Have you spelled that out anywhere?

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There were covert FBI there, of course. Not all, obviously, a lot of dumb Trumpys making stupid decisions too! Anyway, what a strange thing for Dems to fixate on, insurrection, lol, but whatever...

Yea, no politics, I was in India mostly from '15-20, wrote a long book, and finished my PhD. Living in Tanzania now watching the world melt down over an invisible enemy.

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What book? The last one I remember was with Markos Moulitsas. I'm curious to understand how your views evolved.

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