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The latest gun control is the legislative equivalent of thoughts and prayers.

This is what i sent my reps.

"Vote NO on the latest gun legislation coming from the US Senate. As expected it is useless drivel that won't keep our children safe. It should be called the Blame Mental Health Act 2022. It will give the GOP cover to say they did something and give Democrats nothing at all."

If you want less gun death... The only way forward is to reduce guns...🤔

When we wanted to reduce lung cancer? We reduced the cigarettes.

When we reduced drunk driving? We reduced drivers drinking and driving.

When we reduced lawn dart injuries we regulated and eliminated law darts.

When we found cars were unsafe? We added seat belts and speed limits.

With guns? We make it easier to buy as many guns as possible (instant background checks).

With guns? We do the opposite of what we do for everything else.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and Expecting Different results.

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