Thanks for this! It’s provided the inspiration to keep active at the local level, despite the last round of thrashing in Yonkers politics.

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I went to our city council meeting last week, and there was ONE other person there! ONE!! This in a town of about 13,000. And there were some important issues being discussed. Tax money being spent. Not sure how to address this; have meetings on Saturdays? Can't see that working. Sundays? Not during football season! How to fix this? Don't know, but I'm not giving up. Maybe me and Joan - the other attendee - can start a newsletter. Just seems nobody wants to be bothered. Sad.

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You should totally do that! Richard Young had a similar experience in Lexington five years ago and now has a full-fledged media organization: https://www.civiclex.org/. His story featured in an upcoming episode of When the People Decide.

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