On the money, so to speak. The fear emails are counter productive. In terms of "message" I am proposing something like Freedom and Dignity. This covers ALL the political, democratic, systemic and economic issues in three simple words. It's also positive and upbeat and is clearly distinguishable from the wreckage rhetoric of the R's/

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How much do you think it matters that the mainstream/corporate/legacy media, notwithstanding Goldberg’s column, doesn’t cover and doesn’t even grasp the difference between, say, political donations that get used for ad buys vs for organizing. Is it worthwhile to lament that the big money Dems don’t put their wads of cash in door-knocking, voter registration and turnout, let alone deep canvassing (as if), and to try to shift that? I don’t really get how they failed to learn the lesson of Georgia, that what actually wins elections, as you said, is face-to-face organizing and long-term relationship-building. Without years of that happening in GA, Biden wouldn’t be prez and we wouldn’t have the senate. But, to paraphrase what NC Gov Roy Cooper told me a while back at a poorly attended Bklyn Heights fundraiser where he was trying to raise money to elect state reps and stave off the GOP super majority, giving money for state races (let alone grassroots organizing) isn’t as sexy as donating to presidential or senatorial candidates. The core of my question is this: Is it worth it, even as a thought experiment, to imagine shifting political donations by the ultra-rich away from the kind that we know accomplishes very little and towards what we know works, or should we not bother because change (and the money to fuel it) has to come from the bottom up, and because, if truly pressed for their theory of change, no matter how incoherent theirs is never gonna be re-distributive?

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So far ALL info I received from Dem org are hustles, scare tactics….

Im an old timer from state and national politics and campaigns….. things have drastically changed….people feel disconnected.

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Thank you, Micah, for sending up the Bat Signal with us. 🦇 Let's do this!

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We just did a fundraising training today. I'm starting to believe that raising money is the single most important thing I can do as an organizer.

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You are right, Susan. Sadly, in today’s campaign model, money is thought to be the only way to victory. There are many who can and will volunteer their time and skills too. People who do get out the vote by phone or door-to-door, for example, make a huge contribution to results on voting day.

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Seriously appreciate the commitment and shared theory of change to invest in both relationship building and disciplined organizing, Micah.

For those who are interested in taking steps to build forward together (movement volunteers, staff, donors, donor organizers/advisors), a quick invitation to a monthly gathering series for all roles in the movement to talk about our work, learnings, obstacles, challenges, and how we move forward: https://actionnetwork.org/events/forging-our-future-the-state-of-our-movement?source=partner_dohub

More details below:

Invites are here for The Movement Cooperative’s session on The State of Our Movement on Wednesday September 20th at 5pm PT/8pm ET. We’re thrilled to announce our co-hosts: Movement for Black Lives, Working Families Party, Movement Voter Project, ISAIAH, Transgender Education Network of Texas, New Working Majority, Groundswell Action Fund, and Donor Organizer Hub!

This session - and the subsequent monthly series lasting through the fall of 2024 - are not your typical webinars, trainings, or briefings. We’re bringing together people across all roles in the movement for real talk about our work, our learnings, obstacles, challenges, and how we forge forward.

On Wednesday 9/20, speakers with crucial takes will share in-depth information on the state of national, state-based, and local progressive organizing ecosystems as well as the state of money, infrastructure, and our people. After these talks, attendees will be able to participate in facilitated deep dive discussions on the topic of their choice.

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