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So the Fall of Facebook would be bipartisan FTC regulation? Seems like a pipe dream! Especially since the behemoths have become partisan. ie, look at Apple and Arizona recently. Partisans don't mind switching worldviews for an advantage.

But I agree with you, in theory. FB has peaked, at least in the US. And I think if you venture out onto other alternatives like Parler was for a moment, we can see how it might proceed. Not with Parler, which gets taken down with a coordinated effort, but probably Gettr, which seems to have a better product and isn't like Gab.

Likewise, Bitchute and Rumble rather than YouTube. The behemoths won't be dismantled, they will just be cash cows as the laggards roll them in the dough. But because they became partisan, the other side will create a competitor. Elections are always drivers for new tech adoption, so I expect that by the time the midterms are over you'll be able to write a piece about how Republicans used partisan platforms to organize etc...

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